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  • Writer's pictureMaria Lorwina Quisel

Career Shift: From Office Work to a Home-based Job

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

You might be thinking of a career shift at this time. You might be hearing successful stories of virtual assistant doing their job at their own place, having more quality time with themselves and with their families, earning more money and just doing their job at their own pace and time. Indeed, changes in one’s life could trigger such realizations. But what are the reasons for career change?

Here are the top 5 reasons why people change careers:

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5 reasons for career change

1.) Better Pay – salary increase is one of the most common factors why people tend to shift careers. Earning your own money entitles you to upgrade your lifestyle, to acquire investments, to start a family, etc. all these often entail more expenses. And for someone who doesn’t have an external source of income, they tend to look for higher paying jobs.

2.) Work Flexibility for Better Work-Life Balance – employees who are having a hard time keeping up with his/her career while doing personal responsibilities often want a flexible role. Finding work-life balance is one of the many common reasons to change careers. And one option for them is to be a freelancer.

3.) Career Satisfaction - being trapped in their current career with little opportunity to advance within the same field often triggers career change.

4.) Unsatisfactory Leadership – employees often change careers to be transferred to a better leadership where they can be recognized, compensated, and be benefited for their works.

5.) Changing Philosophy and Goals - Some employees are dedicated to their roles outside the corporate world, and they want to spend more time performing these roles. A career change like this would be due to changing philosophy or life goals.

Now, career shift isn’t just an overnight process. Leaving the office jobs, you used to be doing for years while ensuring one’s financial needs won’t be compromised, isn’t easy as how you applied for your first job. A career transition is a total change of one’s lifestyle. It needs to be studied and planned properly based on your core values and the kind of life you wanted to build. It shouldn’t be based on higher position and salary alone, but your eagerness to elevate your skills, experiences, achievements, and roles in life.

Ready to take the risk? Indeed, leaving the corporate world who sustained you for years to work on something with so many unknowns, won’t be easy. But taking the first step can also turn out to be a big milestone in shaping your future self you will be proud of.

Here are the 4 things you can do to start your career change:

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4 things you can do to start your career change

1.) Save money – whether we like it or not, employers tend to rely on your past experiences. Often, they will push you toward a position close enough to your current job, even if you have the skills to perform the job they needed. Being hired will take time. Expect multiple rejections before you do. If you prepared well enough, your financial needs will not be compromised until someone will take the chance to hire you.

2.) Find alternative source of income – improvised a back-up plan you can live with when things aren’t going as planned. It might be starting up a small online business or conduct an experiment first to figure out your own career transition. You can try freelancing as your side hustle while still employed. This can make the transition process more bearable. More importantly, it will set you up on the journey you wish to embark upon.

3.) Create healthy work routines – discipline yourself to work on schedules. Set and follow separate schedules for your work-related and personal responsibilities. Be careful of being too comfortable because it can lead to your work suffering. As someone who’s working remotely, your performance is measured by your output.

4.) Upgrade your skills – there’s always a room for growth. Keep up with the trend and make sure to study and train to upgrade your skills. Make sure to take advantage of our technology where anything you need to learn is just a click away.

Career transitions isn’t simple as resigning and transferring to your new work. It is usually a lot more than it may seem, so you’ll need to dig deep and be resilient during the process. Transitioning from office work to home-based job can be both challenging and rewarding. There is no way of guaranteeing success, but not trying might just leave you with regrets.

Starting a home-base job might be a little tricky at first, especially if you don’t know where to start. Yet, many have taken the risk and have become successful on their endeavors. Just like in the corporate world, newbies are being guided by their superiors for them to perform their roles properly. In the world of freelancers, specifically, virtual assistants, extensive trainings and coaching sessions will help you in your freelancing journey. Here’s an ultimate free guide to start your work-from-home career.


How to Make the Switch from Office Work to a Home-based Job

The Right Way to Make a Big Career Transition

10 Steps to a Successful Career Change

5 Common Reasons to Change Careers

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